Dragon Age: Inquisition is a great game when it comes to featuring great, complex party members who have a stake in the story. There are nine potential companions who can join the Inquisitor, though some may not remain loyal if you make too many decisions they disagree with. Each is more than just a character who follows you into battle; the companions shape your experience, from their banter with one another while you travel to their ability to intervene in specific areas of expertise.

However, not all the companions realize their full potential, and some are better than others. It's not challenging to beat Inquisition even at its highest difficulties with any of the companions so long as you've got a warrior, a rogue and a mage in your party, but certain characters are easier for players to use in battle. Some are easier to get along with, while others may leave in a huff after punching the Inquisitor in the face. Keeping that in mind, here is every companion in the game, ranked.


Vivienne earns the lowest spot on the list for being the most difficult character to get along with by far. Condescending, arrogant and devoid of empathy except for during a rare moment in her personal quest, if you're going to be at odds with one character throughout the game, it's probably going to be Vivienne. She sees compassion as a weakness in leadership and will disapprove of any choices the Inquisitor makes meant to improve the lives of others rather than consolidate personal power.

She's a powerful mage on account of her knight enchanter class, but unfortunately, it's so broken that it makes gameplay boring. Vivenne can generate infinite barriers for the party that negate all damage, turning every battle into a one-sided beatdown no matter what the enemy does.


Cole is a fascinating companion to have in the party if only for his banter. Part spirit, he can read into the memories of the other companions you take on your travels, revealing secrets they would rather keep silent about. Sadly, he's nigh useless in battle if not directly controlled by the player, since his assassin class makes him a glass cannon doomed to be taken out before he can deal any real damage.


Blackwall is an excellent tank, but that's about all there is to him. In a game full of characters with colorful personalities and witty dialogue, Blackwall is the bland, stoic guy that likes to carve wood. He has a dark secret regarding his past and true identity, but he's somehow still just as boring even after the dramatic reveal. On the upside, Blackwall's stoic attitude means he won't complain much if your Inquisitor makes decisions he disagrees with, though like most characters (minus Vivienne) he won't see a reason to stick around if you're role-playing as an evil jerk.


Sera is an excellent rogue capable of dealing a ton of damage with her tempest class. She can also be quite funny with her pranks and mischief-making -- but she's not a good companion for everyone. Many may find her immature, childish attitude annoying to deal with, especially given that she never matures at all over the course of the game. It can also be difficult to earn her approval because her stance on matters isn't always obvious. To top it off, she hates both elves and magic, which makes it hard to reconcile with her if you play as either a mage, an elf or both.

Iron Bull

Although Iron Bull is a little too fragile to effectively be a tank as good as Blackwall or Cassandra, he's an overall easygoing fellow who is easy to befriend. It's not hard to earn his approval, even when he disagrees with your overall philosophy -- just take him on dragon hunts. Players should also be forewarned that putting Iron Bull and Dorian in the party together can result in banter some may be uncomfortable with. Bull makes some very forward comments of a sexual nature, which could ruin your enjoyment of the character.


Varric Tethras looking upwards in Dragon Age: Inquisition

A witty and reliable dwarf, Varric Tethras is a great addition to any team. He may not be the most powerful rogue out there -- Sera is better in terms of pure combat potential -- but it's much simpler to earn Varric's approval. He has great banter with almost every companion, particularly Cassandra and Dorian. Plus, thanks to his significant role in Dragon Age 2, Varric has preexisting relationships with many characters that are fascinating to see.


Solas is an apostate mage who lived on his own for many long years prior to Inquisition, communing with spirits. He's a decent healer and his knowledge will give you plenty of insight into Thedas' lore if you take him on your travels. However, there is also far more to him than meets the eye. Players will have a richer experience with the game if they take the time to get to know him. Solas' mysterious nature -- and the shocking truth behind his identity -- has led players to either love or hate him, and that polarizing reception is the mark of an interesting character.


cassandra pentaghast in front of flames

Cassandra Pentaghast is an excellent tank, making her a necessity on any team without Blackwall or a warrior Inquisitor. She may not always agree with your Inquisitor's choices, but she makes it clear she accepts them. She's also loyal to a fault and will not abandon the Inquisition no matter how awful you are to her. Best of all, unlike most companions, it sometimes feels like you're able to change Cassandra's mind and convince her to accept beliefs other than her own.


Dragon Age Inquisition Dorian

At once hilarious and deeply sympathetic, no one can go wrong in taking Dorian Pavus along in their travels. Dorian's necromancer class is a little too niche to make him the strongest companion out there, but he more than makes up for it with his airily sarcastic remarks. It's not hard at all to earn his approval either given that he appreciates choices that are either compassionate or clever.

But perhaps what most makes him a worthy companion for any player is his lack of intolerant biases prevalent among the others. Dorian can be a good friend to your Inquisitor no matter if you wish to play as an elf or dwarf or Tal-Vashoth, or come out in clear support of either the mages or templars. He's also from the Tevinter Imperium, a place the series is set to explore in the next game, so he brings both a unique perspective and a hit of what's to come.

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